Animated webp expected to work with EAS builds?

OK! I got it. Couldn’t figure out how to make it work as a typescript file with es6 import/export but this is where I ended up.

  • Add config_plugins folder at the top level of the app.
  • Add a withAnimatedWebp.js file into the folder.
  • Add "plugins": ["./config_plugins/withAnimatedWebp"], to app.json.
// withAnimatedWebp.js

const { createRunOncePlugin, withGradleProperties } = require('@expo/config-plugins');

const withAnimatedWebp = (config) => {

  const itemToModify = {
    type: 'property',
    key: 'expo.webp.animated',
    value: 'true',

  return withGradleProperties(config, (config) => {
    config.modResults = config.modResults.filter(
      (item) => !(item.type === itemToModify.type && item.key === itemToModify.key)


    return config;

module.exports = createRunOncePlugin(withAnimatedWebp, 'animated-webp-support', '1.0.0');

Now onto the real bug challenges. Thanks @wodin!

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