Android Upload and build .ipa failed, Cause of SHA certificate

i have only one existing certificate in distribution Which is Live on App sore of my App.
And in All certificate One is ios distribution and one is type of Apple push Service.
Nothing for delete.

@esamelson sir ,

Ihave followed this link
[How to fix 'build:ios' error - you already have a current ios distribution certificate]

Command :- expo build:ios -c

 Error : ? Will you provide your own Distribution Certificate? Let Expo handle the process
? Will you provide your own Push Certificate? Let Expo handle the process
[01:39:36] Error while gathering & validating credentials
[01:39:36] Reason:Unexpected response, raw:{"responseId":"3e4aef5e-4766-4b83-9f33-3d8115fee1f3","resultCode":7460,"resultString":"Ma
ximum number of certificates generated","userString":"You already have a current iOS Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request.","creationTimestamp":"XXXXXXXXXX","protocolVersion":"XXXXle":"en_US","requestUrl":"","httpCode":200}
[01:39:36] Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace

Command :- expo build:ios --revoke-apple-dist-certs --revoke-apple-push-certs -c

but it gives me this

[00:42:37] ATTENTION: Revoking your Apple Distribution Certificates is permanent
? Which Certs to revoke? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
<Spaceship::Portal::Certificate::Production id="XXXXXXX" name="iOS Distribution" status="Issued" created=2018-10-04 22:19:10 U
TC expires=2019-10-04 22:09:10 UTC owner_type="team" owner_name="XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX" owner_id="XXXXXXXXX" type_display_id=
"XXXXXXXX" can_download=true>

Can i do this ?
it affect my app which is on app store or not ?
reply please ?