Android - The app is slow to the point the user can press on any button twice, and that requires using the back button twice to get back to the previous screen

Android - The app is slow to the point the user can press on any button twice, and that requires using the back button twice to get back to the previous screen

Expected Result:
the icon will redirect you to a new screen after pressing 1 time
The user will get to the previous screen after pressing 1 time

Actual Result:
the icon redirect to the new screen after the 2nd pressing
The user will get to the previous screen after pressing 2 times

Why this is happening ?

This is really strange.
It would be a good idea to investigate what’s causing this delay.
As a workaround you might try disabling the icon after it has been pressed and then re-enabling it when navigating back to this screen, but that could get complicated. If you decide to do this you might want to look into using a finite state machine (e.g. using the Xstate library) to help with keeping track of the different states the screen or app can be in.

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Thank you for your reply ,
I will try to do that, but for clarity, the application works on ( ios ) normally ,
This only happens on Android .

OK, I’m not sure what would cause the delay. Maybe you can write a minimal app that demonstrates the problem so that we can try it ourselves. Also, if I try to create a minimal app that has the same problem as my real app I often find the problem myself.

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