Android standalone app doesn’t get Expo Push Notification Token

  1. SDK Version 37:
  2. Platforms Android:

If I start the app with expo client the push notifications work fine. If I build standalone app and install it with adb install on my android device, the standalone app doesn’t work. I build around alerts and the alert start to not work after: await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
I did all the steps which are required for getting fcm running:

Does the standalone app only work with google play store because this I didn’t try yet.

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same issue here. and when i tracked the Error it was


P.S: the function works in (Production mode , Expo Client app) but not in APK mode

it’s wired because i followed all steps required for Standalone and this error has been thrown

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this fixed it for me: SDK37 standalone app: "Couldn't get GCM token on device" · Issue #7727 · expo/expo · GitHub

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Yaah finally it’s working.
Expo team should add APi key to docs

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