Android crash while loading flagged by Play Store Pre-Launch Report

The Android Play Store is now flagging up crashes in its pre-launch report on 3 out of the 9 Android devices tested. Looking at the video it is during loading while the splash screen is visible.

The main difference is I just upgraded to SDKv21, are there known issues with this?

Crash as follows:

Build fingerprint: ‘samsung/hero2ltexx/hero2lte:6.0.1/MMB29K/G935FXXU1APB6:user/release-keys’
Revision: ‘9’
ABI: ‘arm’
pid: 20741, tid: 20913, name: mqt_js >>> com.crash.crash <<<
signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 2 (BUS_ADRERR), fault addr 0xd4253000
r0 0000007f r1 d43f6b6a r2 0000fffd r3 d19796d4
r4 d4253000 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000000
r8 00000001 r9 00000000 sl d1632000 fp 00000000
ip 00000003 sp d46feb64 lr 00000000 pc d659fd14 cpsr 800b0030
#00 pc 003c0d14 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#01 pc 000307cf /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/ (JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString+104)
#02 pc 0002f61f /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/ (facebook::react::JSCExecutor::adoptString(std::unique_ptr<facebook::react::JSBigString const, std::default_delete<facebook::react::JSBigString const> >)+42)
#03 pc 00030465 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/ (facebook::react::JSCExecutor::loadApplicationScript(std::unique_ptr<facebook::react::JSBigString const, std::default_delete<facebook::react::JSBigString const> >, std::string)+124)
#04 pc 0003306b /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#05 pc 00032b59 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#06 pc 00015491 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/ (std::function<void ()>::operator()() const+12)
#07 pc 0001d2b5 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#08 pc 00015491 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/ (std::function<void ()>::operator()() const+12)
#09 pc 00017239 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#10 pc 00017277 /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/lib/arm/
#11 pc 01cdae4f /data/app/com.crash.crash-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x1cd7000)
Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_00

I’ve upgraded to SDKv22 but still getting crashes in the Play Store Pre-Launch report: The first release had no crashes in Google’s pre-launch report. The second release crashed on 1 out of 9 devices tested.

I had 4 out of 9 crash on SDKv21 before that. Looks fairly random.

I’ve also seen a crash on first running a brand new installed APK on my own phone. Could it be related to fetching the JS first time run? The recent Play Store report crash follows the logcat line:

Do not have cached source file for

There are similar reports on Github:

Anyone else seeing similar?

The crash in your original post looks like it’s happening when React Native loads your JS bundle. Perhaps there’s some character or string of characters in your bundle that’s causing this, like non-ASCII characters (though those should be fine in theory).


Thanks for the reply @ide. Might that affect it randomly between runs if it’s just loading the bundle in the first place?

The latest one is still at JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString+104 but the call stack is different (and abi22 this time):

11-01 15:53:02.438: D/b(22914): Do not have cached source file for
11-01 15:53:02.448: A/libc(22914): Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 2, fault addr 0xd3850a2d in tid 23132 (mqt_js)
11-01 15:53:02.448: W/unknown:Fresco(22914): Fresco has already been initialized! `Fresco.initialize(...)` should only be called 1 single time to avoid memory leaks!
11-01 15:53:02.448: D/Recents(3116): onTaskStackChanged
11-01 15:53:02.488: D/ResourcesManager(3116): For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/j7xelteub/j7xelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/J710MNUBU2AQA3:user/release-keys'
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): Revision: '7'
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): ABI: 'arm'
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): pid: 22914, tid: 23132, name: mqt_js  >>> <<<
11-01 15:53:02.558: A/DEBUG(2189): signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 2 (BUS_ADRERR), fault addr 0xd3886000
11-01 15:53:02.588: I/display(2178): [PrimaryDisplay] [DY
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     r0 0000007f  r1 d39fd458  r2 0000fffd  r3 d23868b0
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     r4 d3886000  r5 00000000  r6 00000000  r7 00000000
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     r8 00000001  r9 00000000  sl d2098000  fp 00000000
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     ip 00000003  sp d50b9b54  lr 00000000  pc d645ad14  cpsr 800d0030
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189): backtrace:
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #00 pc 003c0d14  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #01 pc 000307cf  /data/app/ (JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString+104)
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #02 pc 0003018f  /data/app/ (_ZN8facebook5react11JSCExecutor11adoptStringESt10unique_ptrIKNS0_11JSBigStringESt14default_deleteIS4_EE+42)
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #03 pc 00030ff9  /data/app/ (_ZN8facebook5react11JSCExecutor21loadApplicationScriptESt10unique_ptrIKNS0_11JSBigStringESt14default_deleteIS4_EESs+140)
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #04 pc 00033bf3  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #05 pc 000336e1  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #06 pc 00016125  /data/app/ (_ZNKSt8functionIFvvEEclEv+12)
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #07 pc 0001de15  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #08 pc 00016125  /data/app/ (_ZNKSt8functionIFvvEEclEv+12)
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #09 pc 00017da9  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #10 pc 00017de7  /data/app/
11-01 15:53:02.598: A/DEBUG(2189):     #11 pc 01cdfe4f  /data/app/ (offset 0x1cdc000)