[Android] Audio cannot play back 3gp recording

Steps to Reproduce

According to https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/av.html#source-object--number--asset--the-source-of-the-media-the-following-forms-are-supported

3gp is supported 지원되는 미디어 형식  |  Android 개발자  |  Android Developers

Actual Behavior

Failed with the error com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.ExtractorMediaSource$UnrecognizedInputFormatException: None of the available extractors (MatroskaExtractor, FragmentedMp4Extractor, Mp4Extractor, Mp3Extractor, AdtsExtractor, Ac3Extractor, TsExtractor, FlvExtractor, OggExtractor, PsExtractor, WavExtractor) could read the stream.

Thanks for creating a snack @james2412. Can you open up a github issue for this so that I can assign it to the correct person?

Issue has been resolved, have to add androidImplementation: 'MediaPlayer'. Thanks!

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