ActionSheetIOS / Alert appear behind Modal

@notbrent just upgraded my code, thank you so much :raised_hands:t2:

Just out of curiosity, why does expo needs its own modal component?

the modal component in react-native uses view controllers to present the modal content above the rest of the app, but that doesn’t always play nicely with other content presented with view controllers (WebBrowser, ImagePicker, etc). we’ll investigate that soon


Unfortunately this is not a solution for an app that we are working on (which makes use of a lot of modals).
When I make use of a StackNavigator inside a modal, some routes don’t work anymore (without an error message.) The screen just flashes and returns to the initial screen of the stack inside the modal.
Why do we have to move to an Expo Modal if it worked fine before?


Did anyone find a solution besides Modal Host?


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